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Lebanese Premier League

New FA rule aims to strengthen young Lebanese Football players

The Lebanese Football Association has introduced new rule in order to strengthen youth Lebanese football. It will come into force in week 1 of the 2019-2020 season which will start on September 20.

The new rule provides that First and Second division clubs must involve a number of under 22 players in the League and in the Lebanese FA cup with a minimum of a 1000 minutes for one player and a minimum of 1500 minutes for two players and a minimum of 2000 minutes for 3 players.

Each club that does not meet the required number of minutes at the end of the season will be deducted 3 points of its total points in the league.

As a result of this new rule, Moussa Tawil, the best Lebanese player during the 2019 U-23 AFC Qualifiers, stayed in Ansar and didn’t move to Safa.

Many clubs are now looking to sign good young players.


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