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Lebanese Premier League

Back-to-Back Losses for Ahed

Lebanon Football Guide were the first to point out that Ahed lost 2 consecutive games for the first time with Bassem Marmar as the coach. This shows how dominant Ahed were in the Premier league in the last couple of seasons.

Even though yesterday’s result is not what Ahed fans aspire for, there is some positive points to take off it. Two players born after 2002, Mohammad Jaber and Mahmoud Zbib, entered the game to make their Premier League debut. These players are also playing regularly in the U-20 league and showing great potential.

After four years of dominance, Ahed’s cycle is finished. That is something the club has recently came to peace with. Before those four years, Ahed spent two seasons in the midtable competing in the league with a squad made mostly of young talents. This gave those youngsters the necessary experience to go on and win the AFC Cup eventually.

What we are looking at is a reproduction of the same process again. Introducing young players to the premier league to rebuild the team with them. Ahed might not win a title in the upcoming few seasons, but it will not be long until the yellow team adds to its trophy collection.


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