All posts tagged "featured"
Lebanese Premier League
/ 5 years agoLebanese Premier League new rules: Everything you need to know for the 2020/21 season
On June 25, the Lebanese Football Association decided to reorganize the structure of the league with the introduction of the «...
National Team
/ 5 years agoLebanon FA calls up fresh faces for preparatory training
With the return of the AFC qualifiers set for October 2020, the Lebanese Football Association has begun preparations to boost the...
Beach Soccer
/ 5 years agoالمنتخب اللبناني لكرة القدم الشاطئية يستعد لتصفيات كأس اسيا 2021
يستدعي فريق كرة القدم الشاطئية في لبنان 18 لاعباً استعداداً لبطولة آسيا 2021 في آسيا. سيشارك لبنان في بطولة آسيا 2021...
Lebanese Premier League
/ 5 years agoHow football could resume in Lebanon: Salam Zgharta as an example
In the earlier days, when football became a profession (players get paid to play), club funding was mainly based on donations...
Lebanese Premier League
/ 5 years agoAbbas Hassan retires from football
After 15 years of playing football at the highest level, Abbas Hassan has decided to hang up his boots, or rather...
Lebanese Abroad
/ 5 years agoاللاعبون المحترفون اللبنانيون: حزيران 2020 – الاسبوع الثالث
الدوري الكوري الجنوبي، الدرجة الثانية سوني سعد – انسان غرينرز في يوم الإثنين، بدأ سوني المباراة لفريقه أنسان غرينرز في الجولة...
Women’s Football
/ 5 years agoLeading Women in Football: Ithamar Romanos
The significance of football academies is recognized in the game worldwide, as the majority of professionals are recruited by clubs through...
Lebanese Premier League
/ 5 years agoThe new technical system for Elite and Challenge Cup
The Lebanese Football Association (LFA) has just announced the new system of both the Elite Cup and Challenge Cup competitions. This...
National Team
/ 5 years agoOfficial: Jamal Taha is the new coach for the Lebanese national team
The Lebanese Football Federation has opted not to renew the contract of coach Liviu Ciobotariu as head coach of the National...
Lebanese Abroad
/ 5 years agoاللاعبون اللبنانيون المحترفون: حزيران 2020، الأسبوع الثاني
لقد عادت كرة القدم، لذلك عاد تقرير “اللاعبون اللبنانيون المحترفون”! الدوري الألماني الدرجة الثالثة هلال الحلوه – أس في ميبين في...